So, what is this all about?
Yes, this is my first post. It's going to be short.
I am a software project manager and have a passion for this profession. I have a pretty good idea about what works, what doesn't, how to fix things, improve things, etc.
In particular, I like improving PM in small to medium size companies. These are the classical places where PM is just coming in. There is a lot of confusion, a lot of uncertainty about PM, a lot of suspicion, a lot of resistance. Sometimes also some support. Usually, most everybody feels that things are not going very good but none is sure what needs to be done to fix it. Actually, everyone has their own solution. Someone comes up with the idea that "maybe we need project management here" and stress goes up to the sky.
So, do you feel this pain in your company too? Let's discuss this and all sorts of other topics too. Here are some topics:
- To Agile or not to Agile? What is Agile anyway?
- Why do SW PMs need to know Software Engineering? (most don't)
- Are Software Engineers really software engineers? (I say, no)
- Have you ever seen Risk Management in your world? Do you know how to do it?
- Can you convince the executives that PM is good? What are the benefits?
This is just a small sample. I have lots of issues and have opinions too. In the coming days I will start to covers these topics and more. I hope you will all join and we'll have a lively discussion.